17 Apr 2013

A new videoconference with the Latvian pupils

Last week we had the opportunity of speaking with the Latvian pupils through Skype. We talked about the inventions that we have been working on during the last months. We enjoyed the connection very much!

2 Apr 2013



The pupils have worked on different inventions and inventors but they have used a real situation dialogue to talk about them. They looked for the information surfing the net and later they prepared the dialogues. After rehearsing for several days we recorded them. We hope that you enjoy them!

15 Feb 2013

The Bath students' experience

From Tuesday the 12th to Friday the 15th February, two students of the Bath Spa University visited our school. They were participating in an exchange program between the University of Vic (UVIC) and the Bath Spa University. Beth and Alice are studying to be teachers in the future. During that week they helped us to do different activities during our English sessions from Year 1 to Year 6 in Primary and they also visited the youngest pupils in Ed. Infantil.
Among the activities that we have shared with them there are some games related to St. Valentine's day, speaking activities... and they also helped us to work on the etwinning project, around Science and the inventions, in Year 6.

Here there are some photos taken during their stay with us. 

We interviewed them at the school radio as well. Here you can listen to it and in Radio Santpedor "Paraules de Festa" too.